Betty daCosta

  • How long have you been painting?

    In about 1962 I took a night course in drawing at Beal. I was introduced to a book on drawing that I purchased and when I had time in the intervening years referred to it and dreamed mostly. In 1968 I took a credit course at University of Windsor in life drawing, and painting. I tried a couple of landscape paintings in the late 1990’s on my own. When I met Cheryl at the library two years ago, I was inspired by her enthusiasm and skills and knew I would enjoy learning from her. This is my fourth course.

  • Why did you first want to learn to paint?

    It is a form of expression, a language, that I wanted to learn and share in. I have a pretty strong emotional response to colour and visual experience, and am now learning more about the intellectual challenges art can pose. Life is just richer with art.

  • What type of paint do you like to work in?

    I used oils until 2 weeks ago, and am in the process of learning how versatile and fast acrylics are!

  • Do you have a favourite subject?

    Not yet. Anything organic, and people.

  • What inspires you to be creative?

    So far, the best inspiration has been the enthusiasm of fellow artists in these classes. It is a creative environment that can set the stage for days of inspiring and inquiring pursuits – books, camera trips, going to galleries, and people watching.

  • How does painting affect your life?

    It brings me joy and a sense of wonder. I take more time to take in and appreciate the world around me. It is a way that I praise the one who created and sustains all of this, and process my experience and responses.

  • Betty can be contacted at: [email protected]



Paintings by Betty daCosta