
Each Day

Today is the 1 year anniversary of this website and blog! Here are the numbers: there have been 282 blog posts and 242 comments. It’s been great to bump into people and have them tell me, “I read your blog every day.” That’s encouraging! I hope that you have found it both informative and fun. This is a good chance to ask you – what have you enjoyed most? How do you feel about the balance between art technique tips, and art quotes? Is there something you would like to see more of? And here’s a quote for all my creative friends … 


There is a lot to think about at once when painting. Take for example choosing a background colour. As well as considering contrast in temperature and in value, it is really important to echo some of the colours that have been used in the subject, in the background. Take a look at some of your favourite famous paintings and check this out. Even portrait artists often throw some of those flesh colours into the background. Without that, colours can feel disjointed or lonely. Conclusion – when doing backgrounds, think about: value, temperature, and echoing colours that you have already used.