
Ah Love

Valentine’s Day – another great reason to do chocolate! And – ah love – what’s that all about? I think the meaning of love grows a lot with years. Sure, romantic love is terrific at any age, but it seems the only kind that comes to mind for the young. Other loves come and take root in your garden unsuspected until one day you find these lovely flowers that you didn’t even know that you had planted. The love between children and the adults in their lives who treasure them. The love of simpler things – quiet walks, a gentle breeze, the laughter of a friend. The love of creating something – painting, singing, dancing, writing. So much to love! I hope your world is blossoming with love for you to receive, and to give. Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Mood in Lines

The mood of any painting is determined by many of its different attributes. One aspect is the main direction of lines. A horizonal flow is considered more peaceful. A vertical emphasis is considered strong and stable. And a diagonal is considered energetic and more liable to indicate movement. When you first plan a painting, it’s good to consider the overall mood that you are wanting to capture, and then see if you can emphasize the direction of lines that will most enhance that mood. When you think about this aspect in the painting here, the distance trees and fence posts give strength and stability. The horizontal lines in the nearest path speak of peace, and the diagonal movement of the more distant path would indicate movement and adventure. Still, any one of these would speak more strongly if the others were not there as well, but it does make for an interesting combination.