Fruit in Crystal Bowl

Oil Painting Brushes

Here’s a tip for oil painters. Buy lots of brushes in your favourite sizes so that you can wait till the end of your painting session to clean out your brushes. It takes a lot of time and energy to properly clean oil paint from a brush. Better to set it aside on a paper towel, and grab a fresh brush when you change colour. That means the you can keep with the flow of the painting and leave clean up till later. Otherwise, you run the risk of not completely removing the colour as you continue on. Even a small amount of a complimentary colour left in the brush, can muddy your paint. Keep it fresh! 
Begonia Painting

The Introverted Extrovert

I have been aware for quite some time that I am an even split between extrovert and introvert. What that means in my life is, I really need some times with other people, and I also really need other times that I am alone. Both are very important to me. Most people have a tendency to be just one or the other. What I have only become aware of recently is, research into creativity reveals that highly creative people tend to have this kind of unusual split with the introvert/extrovert personality. I find that encouraging! It works well in my profession too. I love my teaching time and get lots of energy from sharing art techniques with students. I equally love my alone time, which is when I do my best painting. If creativity and personality traits is a topic of interest to you, here’s a link to an article: “After the Show – The Many Faces of The Performer”  by Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD. Although this article focuses on actors and musicians, certainly much of it applies to visual artists too.  
Quote: Just Say No

Artists: Watch out for these 5

Watch out for these items that can get in the way of you painting: 1. Negative attitude. That could be your own or others. Just say ‘no’ to negative attitudes. You can learn how to paint! 2. Procrastination. Some of us are really good at this. Watch out for it, get out the brush, and simply put off procrastinating. 3. Fear of the white canvas or paper. This is art – not brain surgery. Worse case scenario, you have a learning experience instead of making a masterpiece. Hey! That’s totally o.k. – very good, even. 4. You are under stress. Yup, we have all been there – too often. And, those are the times you most need to be painting. Remember, painting easily becomes your refreshing time, giving you the strength to go back and face whatever is stressing you out. So much more satisfying than running in circles holding your head. 5. Now I’ll get personal – too much time spent on the computer. Ouch. I am so guilty. Hoping that confessing this will help me fight against it. And therefore… this list ends here. Happy painting!