Online Courses

Interactive Online Courses

Interact with Cheryl O Art and other students.

Upcoming Courses – September 2025

Drawing for Painters

Beginner – Advanced

This course is great for painters of any level since honing drawing skills can have such a positive impact on painting.

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The very best way for you to keep in touch with what is coming up is to sign up for Tuesday Art News Emails. They contain art tips and techniques, fun quotes and other creative inspiration. I respect your privacy and each has an easy unsubscribe button at the bottom.

BONUS: Receive a 4-Day Mini-Course by email when you sign up. Here is where to sign up for the art newsletter:

Previous Courses

Dynamic Canadian Landscapes: Buildings

All Media | Beginner – Advanced

Participants studied 4 different paintings by Canadian landscape artists.

Portraits – Realistic & Abstract

All Media | Beginner – Advanced

Videos, Lessons, and Assignments in an interactive site with Cheryl and other students.


  • Learned about painting realistic portraits.
  • Got creative with colourful abstract portraits.