Talking to Yourself

Check-in on your inner dialogue for a happier life

Quote by Joan Didion; Painting by Cheryl O Art

Not everyone has a voice inside their head — a built-in narrator — but many do. Those with this voice, have a hard time imagining that some people don’t. Those who don’t, can’t seem to imagine what it is like to have one. Not a right or a wrong either way, but an inner dialogue is a common experience.

Many folks use this private conversation as a way to problem solve. You only have to worry if you think you are talking to someone who isn’t there.

If you hear me talking to myself remember, I am a sole proprietor and it’s likely a meeting.
– Author Unknown

The way I talk to myself has radically changed. These days it is a much quieter voice than it used to be.

Before, my inner voice was often loudly pointing out mistakes both past and present and even name calling- ‘dumb bum’ — and worse.

Seeking long overdue calm after too many storms, I finally made the connection. I would never speak in that abusive way to anyone else, so why was I allowing that inner abuse to me?

Change happened surprisingly quickly. I was relieved to find out that it is possible to change the attitude of that inner voice.

Grateful thoughts founded in hope have taken over the current narrative. Grace, all grace.

If our minds have doors, the “Be Kind” door has effectively shut out those frequently too-critical thoughts.

I have always tried to be kind to others. I just needed the awareness that I should also be kind to myself.

It is worth checking in on your inner narrator. Because…

Wherever you go, there you are.
– Confucius

Curious — do you have a voice in your mind too? I hope it’s a kind one if you do.

If your inner dialogue is inappropriately harsh, here is the hope that it can be changed, perhaps more easily than you think. Or is that, as easily as you think?

Be kind — to yourself too. It’s a happier way of living.

Not everything I write is published on this website blog.

If you want to read all my writings, you could connect with me on Medium. This platform allows 3 free articles per month for non-members to read. Members pay $5 US per month and in return have access to unlimited articles on almost every topic imaginable. 

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Cheryl O Art writes on Medium