Oil Painting of Apple Blossoms

Fear Factor

Being human, we have a lot of things in common. Most humans are afraid of something. Take artists for example. We share some of the common phobia like spiders and heights – but some artists also have fears of things like blank canvas, writer’s block, or stage fright. I wonder what the roots of this are? Perhaps its the fear that we will have nothing worth saying with our art. Or the fear that no one will want to hear what we have to say if we say it. Or worse, that only negative reactions will result from our art. I suggest that the cure relates back to the first sentence – that being, we have a lot in common. Yes, we are each wonderfully unique and yet if you work at your creative art, if you study and practice and find your voice, chances are big that what you have to say is going to resonate deeply with some of those that you share it with. Everyone? Rarely. Lots of people? I believe so. Don’t let the fear win. You have something to say. (Oil painting “Apple Blossoms” by Cheryl O) 
Landsform photo

Art Happens

This is not a movie set, but a photo of a natural land formation called “The Wave” in Arizona. I have not been there, but would love to see it, and the Grand Canyon someday. These are giant works of art, done by a hand much larger than mine! The earth is full of wonder. What natural formations feel the most like works of art to you? 
Flower Painting

Colour: Hands On

The art class that will give you a strong foundation in understand colour and colour mixing is beginning Thursday October 3rd – your choice of afternoon or evening time slot. Learn why some colours make mud, and how to avoid it. Learn some favourite colour recipes and where to apply them. Learn about classic and modern palettes, and how to create a creative and dynamic colour palette all your own. More information here: Art Courses with Cheryl O (Scroll down when on the page.) 
Happy Baby

First Art Memories

I  can clearly remember the first time that I mixed yellow with blue and it turned green. I thought it was completely magical! And then of course I went on to wonder why every other mixture that I tried made a dull brown. I was 4 years old. Artpromotivate recently asked the question “What are your first memories of art as a child”? It’s an interesting question, and so I ask you – what is your earliest art memory?”