

Acrylic Gloss Finishes

I have been experimenting with different types of gloss finishes on acrylic paintings. The ‘gloss medium and varnish’ when poured on, makes interesting unpredictable cracks and texture as it dries. I liked it for a finish on the ammolite paintings (see them in “For Sale – Abstract” on my website.) The added texture in the surface worked well there. However, this method will not make a smooth surface if that is what you want. Recently I have been experimenting with the ‘pouring medium’. It is formulated to make a level glossy surface when poured on. I tried brushing it on too, but the brush marks do show when it is dry. I recommend pouring it, and then using a drywall putty knife to smooth it for the best chance at a smooth surface. However, it shrinks a lot as it dries, and the first layer simply hugs whatever texture is in the paint. I like that effect, but for a truly smooth surface you will likely need to pour several layers. It still can make the odd crack on larger paintings, and another layer will be needed to repair that. As with all acrylic mediums, avoid continuing to work it as it starts to dry, or cloudiness can result. Acrylic gloss spray varnishes work too for a glossy thinner finish, but I like to avoid spraying products if possible, for health reasons. Does anyone else have other recommendations about how to make a very smooth shiny finish on an acrylic painting? 
Spring Art Show POSTER12

Aeolian Hall Art Show

I am pleased to have some of my paintings featured as part of a group show at the Aeolian Hall in London, Ontario. The show is there until June 2nd – why not take in a concert and enjoy the art too? About the opening – I am teaching that night, but will try to get there near the end of the opening. 

Sticky Stuff

Do you know that sticky stuff that they sell in office supply stores for putting posters on the wall? It comes in white or blue. I find the white is very useful for art purposes, and I’m not putting posters on the wall. First, it makes a wonderful eraser for pencil lines on watercolour paper or canvas. It picks up the pencil without smearing – similar to a kneadable eraser – but cheaper! It also lasts much longer than a kneadable eraser. As well, I use it to hold the wax paper onto my white cardboard that serves as my palette. Less fuss than taping down new wax paper when the palette needs changing. I like it a lot – even have a gob of it in my purse in a small ziplock bag! It goes along with the sketching pencil. 


“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.” Dr. Seuss Here’s a fun photo for you to ponder. Can you guess what this image is? Make your guess before reading the rest of the blog. (Find link on my homepage blog,  if you are reading this on facebook or elsewhere.) Inspiration for art is all around us. And if you want to go wild with colour, take a look at the galaxy photos from the Hubble telescope, or some from macro photography – think high, think low! I’m betting you will find some colour combinations that you never dreamed of.