

Carol Meredith

How long have you been painting? I have had a life long affection for all things creative. My father was an excellent oil painter in his retirement and he provided lots of inspiration and encouragement. I started ‘seriously’ taking painting lessons after a chance conversation, about 6 years ago, with artist Barbara McKnight. As she painted in Bayfield at the Sail and Canvas Festival, she shared her own artistic journey with me and I jumped in. I started taking classes with Cheryl O about 5 years ago. What type of paint do you like to work in? I have tried various media but always come back to my favourite … watercolours! I love the challenge of a media that offers such a narrow opportunity for correction but promises such lovely reward it you ‘think it through’. Also I love the magical things that happen when beautiful colours are dropped onto wet paper. What inspires you to be creative? Whether it is watching a painting demonstration or just admiring the work of others, I find I can’t wait to get my brushes out and begin! How does painting affect your life? Author Martha Beck wrote about creativity and compared it to yoga. She said yoga makes your body flexible and responsive so it can adapt to any stress. Painting is the psychological equivalent for the soul … painting stretches and strengthens! I love that hours can pass when you are painting and it feels like mere minutes. Another lovely benefit is that you meet the most delightful and interesting people in classes and art groups. (Gallery Painting Group, and Brush & Palette Club.) After a week together this summer at Cheryl’s Wet & Wild Class, four of us continue to get together for lunch and to art talk. Carol can be contacted at: [email protected]     Paintings by Carol Meredith 

Lynne Pinchin

How long have you been painting? 6 years – all with Cheryl O What type of paint do you like to work in? I work in both acrylic and watercolour paint. What inspires you to be creative? I wanted to try something new and different. I am a sports fanatic, and painting is very different! Do you have a favourite subject? I am definitely a landscape painter. I love painting beaches, clouds, and peaceful scenes. What inspires you to be creative? Place that I have been, or places that my family has been – they share their photos with me. Do you have any favourite artists? Our Canadian Group of Seven. How does painting affect your life? This is a great question! Painting has added a totally new dimension to my life! It has opened up so many new interests, and friendships. I now notice things that I never thought I would faintly pay attention to. I can’t wait to steal time to sit and paint, or find new inspirations to paint. I love Cheryl’s attitude and credit her talents for inspiring me to learn to paint, to improve, and enjoy art. Her classes are so welcoming and just positive all the time. See more of Lynne’s artwork on her website, link below.  She also works in stained glass! LYNNE PINCHIN – WEBSITE   Paintings by Lynne Pinchin 

Mary Ellen Young

How long have you been painting? I’ve been painting since I retired 20 years ago. I’ve been studying with Cheryl for about 15 years. What type of paint do you like to work in? Acrylics are my favourite because of the versatility. If I’m not happy with the results, I can always gesso over it. What inspires you to be creative? Nature, and classes with other people always increase my creativity. Do you have a favourite subject? Landscapes and flowers are favourites Do you have any favourite artists? Our Canadian Group of Seven and Stephen Quiller. How does painting affect your life? Painting allows me to express my inner soul. It appears to bring happiness to others as well.     Paintings by Mary Ellen Young  


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