Category: Creativity
To help you find a more creative approach to painting, and maybe even life!
Ira Glass on the Creative Process
This is so worthwhile…

One Fine Day
Latest painting – One Fine Day, acrylic collage, 36″ x 30″, $1220. + HST. Available from the artist.

New Beginnings
(Painting: SOLD)

Art Classes – Filling Up!
Lots of registrations coming in for painting classes that start in April. The “Group of 7 Favourites” class is full in the afternoon, with just 4 places remaining in the evening class. Still room for more in the Creative Collage Class on Wednesday afternoons or evenings. Here’s the link for all the information: Art Classes with Cheryl O – beginning April/16
(Painting: SOLD)

The Green Vase
Latest painting “The Green Vase” Acrylic 30″ x 24″ $855. + HST You can see this painting develop in a one minute video! Video of Green Vase by Cheryl O

On The Easel
Started a new floral painting. This initial sketch was done with white chalk on a black canvas. It’s from a lovely reference that was collaborated on in the last Fruit Flowers & Crystal Class. I sure enjoyed having that as a one week class – will likely do that again this summer.

First, sincere congratulaions to Trish Jokat Kitching who won the TVO video competition. Her story of being a Mom dedicated to raising her autistic child was heart warming and wonderful, and she is well deserving of this award.
Thanks again to each of you who voted. It was a lovely opportunity to tell a little of my own story, and I have been absolutely delighted that so many of you responded with similar stories and encouraging comments! It’s been a great experience.
(Painting: SOLD)

Amazing Paper Sculptures by Calvin Nicholls
Have a look at these paper sculptures – beautiful! Paper Sculptures by Calvin Nicholls.