Artists: Surprise & Delight with these Tips
Creativity makes life more fun, for you and for your audience.
Art is a language whether you speak with visual arts or with words.
Artists can say anything they want using their chosen language. When I aim to delight my audience, I apply the following.
The painting above was a commissioned piece. My understanding is, that Petri the cat rules.
The surprise of the cat being combined with part of a famous portrait of Napoleon makes this painting a delight. (The ‘N’ on the necklace became a ‘P’.) Art with a surprise captures interest.
Words can also be used to surprise and delight. Metaphors are ripe for this one.
‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.’— William Shakespeare
This is a common metaphor. Switching it up surprises the reader; such as,
‘All the world’s an ice rink, and all the men and women fall on their bottoms at times’.— Cheryl O Art
Pick a common metaphor and see what fun you can have with it. Your readers will have fun too.
Then there are common words of wisdom, that may not always be wise.
‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ — Thomas Bertram Lance
There are many instances where this is great advice.
There is one where it rarely is; when you want to be creative.
To be creative instead think, ‘If it’s not broke, break it.’
This creativity advice went against the grain for me until I thought about it more. Then I realized, I do this all the time when being creative.
When drawing or painting I purposely leave a line unfinished or break it, and let the viewer’s imagination fill it in. In the acrylic collage painting below, notice all the lost edges made with torn paper. And for further surprise, there are peppercorns in the necklace.
Mountain Man – acrylic collage painting by Cheryl O Art
Some art forms are all about breaking and reassembling. Think about stained glass, quilting, and collage. These are artworks that depend on cutting and then reassembling into something different. You could not make this art if you didn’t break it first — the glass, the fabric, the collage components.
Considering that the definition of creativity is to combine things in a new way this breaking makes excellent sense.
There are various ways to apply ‘breaking’ to words.
Break up your paragraphs. Keep most of them short, but supply interest by varying the rhythm and inserting a few longer ones. That keeps the writing from becoming boring.
This next suggestion about breaking may surprise you.
I’m a big fan of Grammarly and highly recommend it. Therefore the next suggestion applies more to seasoned writers. You need to know your voice first to apply this one.
That is, sometimes break the Grammarly rules.
Don’t break them so much that your article lights up like a Christmas tree when the editor opens it — heheh. That probably won’t end well.
Instead, leave those words or phrases that feel most like your voice, even if Grammarly doesn’t like them. Too much Grammarly in my writing starts to feel sterile.
Take Away
I love applying these tips of surprise and breaking to both my art