One Gutsy Little Bird

Inspiration from a red-winged blackbird

I was watching a red-tailed hawk soar below me when the strangest thing happened.

I live high up in an apartment at the edge of town. The bird life here is incredible. Hawks, ospreys, blue herons, and a colourful myriad of smaller birds chirp and flutter nearby.

You likely have watched smaller birds harassing a bird of prey by dive-bombing it. I was watching exactly that – but from above.

The hawk was followed closely by a little red-winged blackbird. The blackbird was doing the usual dive and peck when suddenly, it wasn’t.

To my amazement, the blackbird sat down on the back of the hawk and took a ride!

I could hardly believe it. Then, as though to convince me this was real, it took off, circled back, and had another brief ride.

If you too have difficulty believing this, you could Google it. It is a thing; we don’t see it because we are watching from below.

I thought, what a gutsy little bird.

It got me thinking, what things do I fear; I wonder, can I hitch a ride on any of them? Instead of circling fears, what if they can be used to move us forward?

Teaching art to adults, I have met many folks afraid to try something creative, even though they feel it calling to them. Afraid of criticism or failure.

To be a beginner takes courage.

Here are a few points of encouragement, if you are in that place.

  • Even the most famous were beginners once. Your favourite artist. Your favourite musician. Your favourite actor. They did not pop out of the womb holding a microphone. They were beginners once.
  • Creative folk tend to be encouraging. Nearly all fellow students or artists you meet will want to cheer you on.
  • Failure is a part of being creative for everyone. Embracing creativity helps keep you and your grey matter in a happy place of growing and learning; much better than a lonely place of stagnating.

Teaching art for 25 years has taught me that overcoming the fear of trying something creative— song, dance, music, painting, theatre, and other such outlets— has the potential to be a wonderful ride. You see…

What struck me most watching that brave little red-winged blackbird was; I think they were having fun!

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Cheryl O Art writes on Medium