Power and Empowering

Finding a positive side to the word ‘Power’ took me a long time. Here is what changed my thoughts.

Quote by Mother Teresa. Painting by Cheryl O Art

In my journey, the concept of “power” has not been in the slightest way attractive. Frankly, I associated the word ‘power’ with abuse.

There were people I knew who wanted power. They loved the thought of being powerful. These people were not trustworthy.

Bluntly, I did not want to have anything to do with them. These are strong words, but that has been my experience.

I feel this aversion toward power lovers on a personal and a societal level.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
— Lord Acton

It is an intrinsic problem with politics; those who want power are too often those who should never be given power.

On a personal level, I am repelled when it becomes evident that someone is focused on power and controlling others. Since I am compassionate and gentle, it took me too long to understand the making of boundaries. I get that now. But that would be a different article.

Suffice it to say, the word ‘power’ has many negative connotations for me.

The measure of a man is what he does with power.
— Plato

Until I realized — wait a moment. In an art course, when I teach someone to use color well, I empower them to be more expressive with color. To find their unique voice in paint.

By adding those two letters, ‘em’, suddenly I felt very differently about the word ‘power’. Now, empowering can be a concept I find very attractive.

The whole concept of ‘empowering’ can hold some very positive associations.

Empowerment is needed concerning things more essential than artistic expression — although naturally that one is dear to my heart.

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.
— Alice Walker

More empowerment is needed for those who suffer abuse based on race, gender, appearance, age, and other factors that unjustly cause people to be treated as less valuable.

The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.
— Mahatma Gandhi

So nowadays you might hear me say, “I want to empower you.” Not empower you to be overbearing or abusive (never ever), but rather to encourage you to find your voice. And I hope that the things you say with your unique voice will make this world a better or more beautiful place. And if that is the case, more power to you.

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