Tag: art classes

Imagining the truth
Did you know that the imagination is the very best vehicle for truth? Or more accurately, the imagination can be the best way to really grasp a truth and have it stick with you, even change your outlook on life – because when your imagination is engaged, the gray matter is ever so much more likely to hold onto whatever concepts are coming in. More Information here: Imagining the truth

Joyful Journeys
Of all the characteristics of any painting, colour is the one that speaks the most naturally to our emotions. Bright colours energize and say ‘look at me’! Cool blues are calming. Yellows and oranges often feel cheerful. These are generalizations, but the link is there. More information here: Joyful Journeys

For the love of flowers
Thank you for the many many folks who responded in agreement to my recent “Black Lives Matter” email. I thought that you would understand. I hope that we each continue to find meaningful ways to speak against prejudice and racism in all its ugly forms. Flowers. Think of the strong associations these have for us with love, both romantic and affectionate. Associations with caring and consolation. With spring and new life. With a joyful sense of colour and just plain being. More information here: For the love of flowers

How do you travel right now?
With travel not happening at this time, I am grateful for wonderful photo references to paint from. I do find that painting from these brings back lovely memories and really gives me the sensation of being there again. Such a nice reprieve from the restrictions of our current world. More information here: How do you travel right now?

All That Greenness
Yesterday I was so delighted to welcome over 70 members into the new art group “Keep the Brush Moving”. Unfortunately registration is now closed but if you missed out – no worries. This is simply a 2 month Beta founding group. We will be taking most of July and August off and registration will open again in August for a September start up. All that to say, you will be able to join again at some point. More information here: All That Greenness

Online Learning
First let me tell you about Pam. Pam had told me quite emphatically, “I will never take an online course.” Then isolation hit when we were halfway through the recent Collage Class and I switched it to online. Pam said she would “give it a try.” After a couple of weeks, Pam was obviously enjoying it all including our Zoom sessions. And when I put the word out about an online art membership, she was one of the first to sign up. Don’t let your fear of the unknown with online learning hold you back. (Note: Membership is now closed. Next opportunity to sign up will be August 2020, for a membership starting September 2020.)

Enthusiastic Response!
Thanks for those who responded to the membership idea with enthusiasm. Next opportunity to join will be August 2020, for a September 2020 start up.