The road less travelled might look like this:
1. Uncertain destination /
2. Most people wonder what on earth you are thinking /
3. Income uncertain /
4. Both failure and freedom are intimate friends of yours /
5. Sometimes you wonder what on earth you are thinking/
6. Creativity is your best friend /
7. There are some really fascinating people on this road with you /
8. Your cup overflows with tears and with joy /
9. You die and leave only an intangible inheritance behind
+++ /
The road more travelled might look like this:
1. You know where you plan to be in 10 or 20 years /
2. Most people congratulate you on your choices /
3. Income seems secure, and is growing /
4. Failure is a bad word, and freedom is for some age way down the road /
5. You get stuff /
6. Security is your best friend /
7. You get more stuff /
8. You have lots and lots of stuff /
9. You die and the certain people get your stuff to add to their stuff /
I suspect that for most of us, the roads are not as black and white as I have presented. Probably they criss-cross at times and are frequently gray. For myself, sometimes I probably walk funny because I have one foot on one road, and the other foot on the other road. I did have fun presenting the roads in this radical form though. What do you think?