Painting - River Bank

The Best Composition Tip – Ever

The longer that I have been painting, the more I appreciate that good composition frequently comes down to one thing. It is – avoid 50/50 in every aspect. Landscape painters should avoid a horizon that is at all close to dividing the painting surface in half. Make it higher or lower. In addition, in any type of painting, it’s a good idea to avoid a half and half division between the amount of dark or light colour. Best to have the majority of the page dark with light accents or vise versa. The same can be said of warm versus cool colour, or textured versus smooth area, or hard versus soft edges. If in any aspect of composition you have to think hard about what is dominant and what an accent, then likely it is too close to 50/50 to be pleasing to the eye. Hope this is helpful, next time you are analysing your work. 

Through the Eyes of a Friend

There is something lovely about a shared pleasure. Life’s joys are often more full when experienced with a friend. Although I have wonderful friends who partake in various parts of my life, today I want to talk about art gallery friends. Art gallery friends understand that the pace that you travel through an art exhibit is completely unpredictable. They know that if the art is good, at some point likely one masterpiece will reach out, grab a piece of your heart, and leave you standing there absorbing in silence for awhile. They walk on, saying, “I’ll be in the next room”, and leave you in peace – and you do the same for them. Then at other times while looking at a painting together, they are willing to state completely honestly which paintings speak to them and which don’t. We have fun exploring why. And suddenly, standing in front of a piece of art, you are seeing it through someone else’s eyes! So thank you to my art gallery friends – you know who you are. Thanks for your patience and for sharing the joy. You make my life richer. (Painting by Cezanne.) 

Creative Confidence

Today is the last day of our Wet & Wild Week – and yes, it has been. I have to applaud each student who participated for your willingness to try new things, your wonderful sense of adventure. Each day was a smorgasbord of creative ideas. We really got into layering different effects, textures, and colours – too much fun! In the end, more than specific techniques which of course I hope are helpful, I am really hoping that each one will go away with a greater creative confidence and even more freedom to explore. I plan to post some photos next week – stay tuned. It seemed appropriate to post this lovely 11 minute video: “David Kelley: How to Build Your Creative Confidence”. Enjoy! 
Photo by Lifehacker

How Clutter Affects Your Brain

I’m pretty sure that every artist struggles with this – clutter. As you really get involved with a painting, the paint bottles have a way of migrating outward in an expanding chaos. Add some collage into the mix, and there’s no taming that space. Mostly, I go with the flow. When I start having difficulty navigating across the floor of my studio space, I kick back into organizational mode, with each tube and bottle finding it’s own proper spot even if ever so briefly. One important question that I ask myself is, does having a tidy study make me more likely to paint? I think it may help. But for painting motivation, I find there’s nothing like having 3 paintings on the go at once and a bunch of great photo references asking for more. Which motivates you – a tidy space, or creative chaos? This is such an interesting article. I thought the 4 ways to master clutter listed at the bottom of the article were good ideas. Here’s the link: How Clutter Affects Your Brain by Lifehacker 

About Canvas

In any art supply store there is cheap canvas, and then there is the more expensive kind – which type I buy depends on exactly which painting techniques I will be using. The main difference between the 2 is the amount of gesso coating. You can’t go by labels such as ‘triple coated’ either. It seems that those 3 coats are incredibly thin sometimes. The result of not enough gesso is to make the canvas surface too absorbent. The paint soaks in too much instead of moving easily across the surface – not pleasant. You can fix this by rolling on a couple of coats of gesso and sanding between. I don’t like to have to spend the extra time to do that. However, if I am going to pretexture a canvas with gesso or gel before painting as I often do when working wet and wild, that will remedy the cheap canvas feel. I recommend trying some of each type of canvas to see which you prefer for the techniques that you are using. But I suggest, never buy the canvas with staples on the side . They really are bargain basement and it’s not worth doing good work on that bad a support. And a last note about canvas pad products – the cheaper ones of those are really awful to paint on. Definitely get a good brand such as Fredrix Canvas pads. It’s still cheaper than a prestretched canvas. Happy painting!