
Playing with Fire

Oooooooh – I love this! Dale Chihuly: Playing with Fire “If you know exactly what you’re doing and make it everytime, it’s not going to be interesting. Go beyond what you can do – it’s more interesting that way.” (And thank you to The Art People for posting this on Facebook.) 

Your Amazing Voice

Some things have a way of causing a sense of awe to well up inside me – such as those amazing photos from deep space, the deep stillness by a mountain lake – and your amazing voice. “What?”, you say. Do I even know you? I actually don’t have to. Here’s the thing. Everyone has a very unique individual voice. Not necessarily the one you talk with, although those are special too – I’m thinking of the one you create with. In creative arts, painting is what I’m most acquainted with. Imagine this – a class of 14 students. Let’s say they are pretty new into art and so I’m helping them step-by-step through a painting – carefully giving colour and technique instructions. At the end of the class we set the 14 paintings against the wall – and guess what? NONE of them look the same! Each bears the stamp of the unique individual who created it! Then as students get more proficient, their individual voice gets even stronger. How amazing that we should each have our own distinctive creative voice! I think I have one of the best jobs ever, helping people discover this. What do you think? Do you know that you have an amazing voice? 

What You Love, What I Love

The fact is, the arts are subjective. The dictionary defines subjective as “…the nature of an object as it is known in the mind  as distinct from the object itself.” In art, this means that a painting I love is not necessarily one that you also love. And what is really tricky, there’s not necessarily a right or wrong about differing opinions on art. Perhaps you have a hectic life, and would love a painting that reads as calm and peaceful in your home. Perhaps you are high energy and want a painting that reads the same. Maybe you delight in a detailed realistic rendering, or perhaps you love to let your imagination explore abstract shapes. And so our mind rules our opinion of the artistic object, in this case a painting, aside from what the actual object is. Subjectivity is, I think, a good thing by and large. It allows for a great many different artistic expressions appealing to a large range of audiences. It means that there is no one best way to interpret a subject artistically. That all said, I’m never going to love your painting of Elvis on black velvet, but I do respect your right to have it above your couch… if you really must. 


I was delighted to see the current Picasso exhibit at Toronto’s Art Gallery of Ontario last week. It’s a wonderful overview consisting of paintings that he did not want to sell, or purchased back in order to have a ‘diary’ of his work. I really enjoyed it even though Picasso isn’t one of my favourite artists. And somehow it struck me as a bit funny that, by the end of the exhibit, faces split into two profiles and body parts in seemingly odd places really didn’t seem so strange at all anymore. The show is on until Aug 26th if you are wanting to see it. 

Stuck Lids

There is one method that seems to work best for trying to get that stubborn lid off of a paint jar or tube – and that is to run it under hot water for several minutes. The water needs to be really hot, and you need to be patient, holding it there for awhile to let the heat penetrate through the lid and soften the paint. This seems to work with all types of paint. This method is less likely to damage the paint tube or jar than pliers are. Sometimes pliers rip a metal tube. 


“All that is gold does not glitter /  Not all those who wander are lost /  The old that is strong does not wither /  Deep roots are not reached by the frost.”   J.R.R. Tolkien