

6 Things I’m Thankful For

Thanksgiving this past weekend has me pondering the things that I am thankful for as an artist. Here is a partial list. I am thankful for: 1. living in a time and place where there are wonderful art supplies available. I can choose paints that are permanent and non-toxic. /  2. the many inspiring artists who have gone before that I can study and learn from /  3. the internet – so I can see so much great artwork, and network with contemporary artists too! /  4. amazing family and friends who help me and cheer me on in my creative adventures, including help with my website / 5. terrific art students to share this journey with /  6. Last but not least, a loving Creator who has made a marvelous world that I am continually in awe of. I could never paint more than just a tiny fraction of it in my lifetime. /  So much to be thankful for! What does your thankful list look like?  

Handling Watercolour

Today’s tip is for watercolour painters. When painting, just put out enough watercolour paint to do you for that session. Do not put out your complete tube of paint into the wells of your palette. Once that paint dries it never gets as rich and creamy again when you rewet it. Practically speaking, this makes it difficult for you to make rich strong darks in your painting. Now, I know that some teachers tell students to put the whole tube out, so this is not to make you feel guilty if you have done this. I suggest that you use that paint up, and if you need an area of dark colour, put out a bit from a fresh tube for that. Fresh paint just out of the tube also gives a richer flow into a wet area too – it’s more fun and more effective. If you still end up with left over paint on your palette when putting out the smaller amounts, spray them with water and cover with plastic wrap to keep them creamy for a few days. Happy painting! 

Oils Drying

Did you know that oils do not dry by evaporation, but by light curing? This means that if you leave an oil painting in a dark room, it will stay wet for a long long time. This can be used to your advantage if you get interrupted while painting and want it to stay workable longer. It’s not a good idea to delay the drying for too long though. A few days is fine, but longer than that and the paint might have a tendency to yellow. However, if you are in a hurry to dry an oil painting, putting it under bright light both day and night really helps speed things up. But using a hot hair dryer to try to speed up oil paint drying is a completely useless exercise. 

Childlike Creativity

When it comes to art, I can see some real benefits to being childlike. Here’s my list: 1. A sense of wonder. This comes naturally to most artistic people. The wonder of colour, of nature, of the world about and within. Einstein said it was key to who he was. /  2. An avid curiosity. “What happens if..” The ways of completing that are endless in art. /  3. A willingness to learn new things. With art, there is always something new to try: new colours, new shapes, new subjects, new types of lines, new combinations of these – it’s truly endless. /  4. That sense of joy that creating brings. Sometimes I can’t stop smiling when the art is going well. It even makes me give a little dance or laugh out loud at times – too much information? /  Maybe this is why children do art so naturally and easily. Have I missed anything on the list? What do you think – are there positives about being childlike as an artist? 

Even the Greats

I never tire of the excitement of new art classes starting – and they start this coming Tuesday! In the beginners classes, I truly admire those adults who are taking a deep breath and following their dream by starting into painting. Perhaps it is encouraging to realize that you are not alone in feeling shy. And be reassured, as well as learning, the goal is to have fun! My job is to be practical – give you all the info you need to get painting – and cheer you on in the journey. You can learn to paint, no previous art experience necessary. Just come wanting to have some fun and learn some new things, and you will do just fine. Welcome, new painters, to a great adventure!