Artists Are Lucky

Artists are lucky. I’m looking out the window and seeing a steady rain. I associate this with guilt-free painting time. No brisk exercise walk. When I had one, no garden work. Although these can be quite lovely too, I’d rather be painting. Rain doesn’t make me gloomy. Well okay, if there are weeks of it, it can, but generally not. Rather than make me gloomy rain tends to give me time to paint. Hooray! It’s raining! Naturally, I don’t want to have to depend on the weather to decide to paint. However, I appreciate when I feel encouraged to get the brush moving, and am aware of the things that can help me with that. Some are under my control, some are not. It’s about knowing yourself. What things help you get to your art-making? Take note of those and make full use of them. If you would like to get weekly art tips and info on upcoming courses you can sign up for the newsletter here

Mona Paintings

Famously, Leonardo DaVinci kept his painting of Mona Lisa all his life because he never considered it finished. Not so famously, I had started this rose painting years ago. It doesn’t happen often that I keep an incomplete painting around so long. The vase originally came together quickly. and I really liked it. The rest of the painting, not so much. At long last, I pulled it out again last weekend and it sure felt good to finish it in a way I am finally happy with! I hope you like it too. You are welcome to book an appointment with me to see it if perhaps it might look good at your place. It’s time for this one to find a different ‘forever’ home. How about you? Any ‘Mona’ paintings hanging about? 


“Swallows” “A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.” ― Jim Morrison Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers. 

Probably Pie

“Probably Pie” “Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they will never cease to be amused.” ― Author Unknown Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers. 

Wild Flowers

“Wild Flowers” “Fill your brain with giant dreams so it has no place for petty pursuits.” ― Robin S. Sharma Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers. 

Spring Song

“Spring Song” “We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.” ― William Gladstone Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers. 


“Cyclamen” “Art is sharing your vision with others.” ― Cheryl O Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers. 

Baby Rabbit

“Baby Rabbit” “To be creative is to find the heart of your subject, and of yourself.” ― Cheryl O Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers. 

Wandering Road

“Wandering Road” “The secret of so many artists living so long is every painting is a new adventure.” ― Norman Rockwell Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers. 

Alone But Not Lonely

“Alone But Not Lonely” – watercolour “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” ― Tom Robbins Sign up here for Cheryl O’s weekly newsletter to get art tips, techniques, more quotes and information on upcoming courses. You can also click here to find out more information about the various courses Cheryl offers.