
Art Show at the Aeolian Hall

It is my pleasure to have art featured in a group art show at the Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St E (Dundas at Rectory), in London Ontario. The show opening is tomorrow, Wednesday November 28 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – I hope you can come. The show runs till January 20/13. It’s quite the eclectic group, and I am delighted that 7 of the other artists have a some time taken classes with me! Admission is free, come out and enjoy the art! This painting “She Sells Sea Shells” will be at the show. It is an acrylic collage with lots of texture – always more fun to see the actual painting than a photo of it. 

6 Redundant Things

I had some fun thinking of things that are redundant in my life. Here’s a partial list. 1. Rules about using local (actual) colours in a painting. Well, most rules about painting, when I think about it. /  2. Clocks, on days that I am not teaching /  3. Expiry dates on chocolate bars /  4. TV – I just can’t get interested, and besides, I’d rather be painting /  5. Worrying – it’s such a waste of energy, I sincerely try to avoid it /  6. Here’s an amazing one…as the years go past I am finding that people or things in my life that touch my heart, make me grow, make me smile or laugh or want to dance, are overshadowing any negatives and making the negative influences gradually become redundant! So much to be thankful for. /  What about you? What does your redundant list look like? 

Two Roads

The road less travelled might look like this: 1. Uncertain destination /  2. Most people wonder what on earth you are thinking /  3. Income uncertain /  4. Both failure and freedom are intimate friends of yours /  5. Sometimes you wonder what on earth you are thinking/  6. Creativity is your best friend /  7. There are some really fascinating people on this road with you /  8. Your cup overflows with tears and with joy /  9. You die and leave only an intangible inheritance behind  +++ /  The road more travelled might look like this: 1. You know where you plan to be in 10 or 20 years /  2. Most people congratulate you on your choices /  3. Income seems secure, and is growing /  4. Failure is a bad word, and freedom is for some age way down the road /  5. You get stuff /  6. Security is your best friend /  7. You get more stuff /  8. You have lots and lots of stuff /  9. You die and the certain people get your stuff to add to their stuff /  I suspect that for most of us, the roads are not as black and white as I have presented. Probably they criss-cross at times and are frequently gray. For myself, sometimes I probably walk funny because I have one foot on one road, and the other foot on the other road. I did have fun presenting the roads in this radical form though. What do you think?