

Stood Up by the Muse

The question for today is, what gets you into creative mode for painting? I’ve found there are some really odd assumptions out there among non-artists. I’ve had people tell me that I must go to my studio and sit and daydream until the muse arrives. Whut? Personally, I have a lot of difficulty putting that one onto my daily schedule. “Wait for muse. Arrival date – unknown. Arrival time – anyone’s guess.” Really not going to work for me. One thing that I have occasionally done to help get the right brain going, is to spend just a couple of minutes doing gesture drawings. Fast, furious, let go and let loose drawing. That can help. It’s also true that the right music can help, although for me that’s more an energizer to keep me painting once I’ve started.  But my number one all time works-almost-everytime tip that gets me into the painting mode? Pick up the brush and start painting. It certainly gets me over being stood up by the muse. However, I acknowledge that we are all unique, and I’d love to hear from other artists what gets you painting. Comments welcome! 

Contest Winner!

Congratulations to Alexis Chadwick who has won the draw for a 40% off coupon applicable to any For Sale painting on my website! Alexis’ name was drawn from all those who had submitted the correct answer to the December Famous Painting Contest. You can see a full version of the December painting, plus the details about it on my website. This contest changes monthly, so check out the new January contest. Do you recognise the snippet from a famous painting there? Enter for your chance to win 40% off a painting of your choice. Also new on the website this week – check out the new survey about New Year’s resolutions.  You can give your vote on the current question, as well as view past survey results. Surveys are just for fun. 

Sistine Chapel

I thought you might enjoy starting the new year with a tour of the Sistine Chapel. On this webpage (see link on Cheryl’s blog if you are reading this on Facebook or elsewhere) you can see Michelangelo’s amazing work in detail. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag in the direction that you would like to view. There are + and – buttons, or use the wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out. Caution: move around with the mouse a bit slowly at first – there is risk of a wee bit of motion sickness. A fresco is a painting done on wet plaster. After the plaster is dry, the painting is bonded to the wall. It was a popular method for painting large murals during the Renaissance. The Sistine Chaple also contains frescoes by other artists including Sandro Botticelli, and Pietro Perugino. The magnificent 12,000 square foot ceiling was painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. Let me know what you think of this virtual tour. 


I love new beginnings. New years, new days, new painting techniques, new adventures in art and in life. The freshness of a new beginning gets me excited. I love the blank canvas. To me it is full of happy anticipation . I will confess however, painting is not all fun for me. Sometimes I have my battles with a painting in progress that is being recalcitrant. And end stages, well, they can be a lot of hours of hard work sometimes. Been there enough times to know that perseverance pays off though. What about you? Do you have favourite stages when it comes to painting or creating? I’d be interested to hear, in the comments below. Meanwhile, I wish you all the best for 2012. May it be full of wonderful new and creative beginnings for you. 

The 2 Foot Tall Critic

My definition of an Art Critic: someone who lives in a place that has walls, and has something hanging on them. Everyone has an opinion about art , and that’s a really good thing! It speaks of the fact that art is a universal language that touches us all. Many years ago, I used to sit at the King Street entrance at London’s downtown Market and paint. It was a fun experience, and I learned then that the vast majority of people want to encourage artists. What a nice thing to learn! Especially I treasure the memory of the children who would patiently stand in line to wait their turn to speak to me. In almost every case they simply wanted to tell me, “I like your painting.” And they knew, as I did too, that their opinion was just as valid as anyone’s. So here’s my thank you to 2 foot tall critics, you really did encourage me! No doubt you are much taller now, but I hope you still love art. 

The Music Connection

Creative processes are as unique as individuals are. Some artists treasure the silence of their creative time. For others, a simple thing such as having the right music on can get the right brain going and encourage you to pick up the brush. If I have a show coming up that I need to keep painting for, I definitely put on some energetic music to keep that brush moving. Painting turns into dancing at times, and it’s a joyful union. I enjoy light rock and folk music with a good beat. Jennifer Knapp is a favourite. In this week’s survey, you can let us know whether or not you prefer music on during your creative times. And, if you want, in the comments below you can tell us what type of music or which music artists you prefer if that is part of your creative process too. It ‘s always great to hear what inspires others to be creative and keep the brush moving. 

Playing It Safe

“Playing it safe can be the riskiest choice we ever make.” Sarah Ban Breathnoch Wow. This quote struck such a positive note with me. For sure it can be applied to painting! It’s that bold stroke, that unusual technique that you would never have found if you hadn’t dared to take chances, that can make the difference between a nice painting and a fabulous one. Sure, there will be the ugly ducklings – more about those another time – but that very special painting may be waiting just the other side of boldness too. What techniques are you wanting to try that might challenge your status quo? (Thanks for the quote: @greatestquotes) 


A beginner art student to me, “I’ve taken 3 or 4 art classes now, and you are most definitely my favourite teacher.” Another student, “This is my first art class ever, and you are my favourite teacher too!” I still have to laugh. Did something make you laugh recently? Want to share? 

Blue Won!

The weekly surveys that you can participate in on my website homepage, are fun and interesting. Last week, I asked people what their favourite colour was. Although purple took an early lead, it was gradually overtaken by blue, which came to a significant win by the end of the week! So, since blue won, here are some painting tips about my two favourite blues. Ultramarine Blue PB29 – This is the blue colour that some people think of as “royal” blue. It’s a sedimentary pigment. That means it has sediments, which means, little bits of dirt in it. These can granulate and make an interesting speckled texture. The granulation can show up in any type of paint, but watercolourists who like that effect enhance it by using generous amounts of water with the paint and using a cold pressed or rough watercolour paper. Phthalo Blue PB15 – I prefer the “green shade” when given the choice. This is a brilliant almost turquoisey blue. Think Caribbean waters. It’s a staining colour that is very potent. Watch out for it in mixtures, a little goes really a long way. Sort of like jalapinos in the stew. But blue, not red. Both of these blues can be used full strength for a very dark value, or show their brilliance well when thinned with white or water. Painters, and blue lovers too, which is your favourite blue pigment? You can tell us in the “comment” area on the blog. Of course colour preferences are personal, and have no right or wrong. Even if blue did win. By the way, if you vote on the current survey, you then see a link to “View results (so far)”. The results page has a drop down menu and you can then see the results of all of the surveys to date.