
Playful Painting – 8 Suggestions

When it comes to being creative, having a playful attitude can really help the creative mode kick in. What would have to happen for you to have a more playful attitude when painting? Here are some suggestions: 1. Work smaller than usual so that it’s not a ‘big’ project. 2. Work larger than usual and only let yourself use much bigger brushes. 3. Choose a subject that you have never tackled before, and tell yourself it’s just for fun. 4. Put on some lively music and paint in time to it. 5. Paint holding the brush with the other hand. 6. Play with colours and shapes and no subject in mind. 7. Start with some scribbled lines and add colour after. 8. Start with some colourful shapes and add lines after. Do you like the idea of more playful painting? 

6 Quick Fixes for the Artistic Soul

I have often thought that times we need our art most can be times when it’s hardest to get around to it. Although some thrive on being busy, others tend to feel overwhelmed with the long to do lists that happen this time of year. Here are some suggested ‘quick fixes’ for your artistic soul this busy season.       1. Make a habit of pausing now and then to think of one thing to be thankful for – perhaps your creative spirit! / 2. Sit down and, even though there is no time to paint, jot down what subjects or themes you would like to paint next. / 3. Get a soft pencil – 4B or softer – and do a few quick sketches. Use your finger to smear it for fast shading./  4. Keep your camera nearby for when something beautiful catches your eye. /  5. Set out a couple of your favourite art books and take a 15 minute break to flip through them. /  6. Bless a total stranger with a cheery smile while you are out and about. It’s one of the nicer things that can be contagious! 

Dare Greatly

When you are a beginner at painting, it takes courage to get that paint onto the paper or canvas. When you are an intermediate painter, and your vision for what you want your art to be and what is actually happening with the paint are not the same, it takes courage to carry on. As a more advanced artist, you hope to make art that will really stand out. No matter what stage your art is at, it’s a good thing to dare greatly. 

When the Sponge is Full

There’s so much opportunity to learn out there. I spend time on Stumble, YouTube, and Facebook connecting about art and creativity. It’s great! I’ve learned some important things. Good advice about how to promote my art – how to write a blog for example. Terrific advice about how to be more creative. And you would be shocked to know how many invites I get every week to promote my art through various online venues. I finally quit looking at those a couple of weeks ago. Here’s the thing – for today, the sponge is full. Do you know that feeling – still reading but not absorbing anything at all? It does occur to me that someone could spend so much time learning about being creative that they have no time left to be creative. Or learning how to promote their art that they have no time to promote (or make!) their art. Wow. That would be a waste. Finding a balance between learning, since there’s always more to learn, and practicing what you’ve learned is hard. So my creativity tip today, to myself and to you, is – just go do it. Paint, sing, dance, bake, whatever is the creative you and wherever you are at in your personal learning curve, you absolutely can’t go wrong by just doing it. I’m off to paint now 🙂 

The Craziest Most Sane Thing

It is crazy when you think about it. Taking ground up colours that are mixed into a medium, spreading them about on a canvas, working so hard sometimes to make a 2 dimensional surface appear to have 3 dimensions – what’s this about? For as long as man could hold a stick of charcoal, there has been art. It’s that need to express thoughts in ways that are unique to who you are. At most basic, it comes down to having a voice and wanting to communicate with others. Artist and art appreciator both stand together and say “Aaaah”, and find meaning and sometimes joy in what was said through the art. We all need a creative voice. Whether that’s how you make a soup, dance a dance, make people laugh, sing your song – we all need to be heard sometime. And if you’ve got that passion for an art form inside of you, it would be crazy not to let it out. In a racing, running, must be-making-money world, it’s likely the most sane thing you can do. (Thanks for the title, Gloria L.) 

6 Things I’m Thankful For

Thanksgiving this past weekend has me pondering the things that I am thankful for as an artist. Here is a partial list. I am thankful for: 1. living in a time and place where there are wonderful art supplies available. I can choose paints that are permanent and non-toxic. /  2. the many inspiring artists who have gone before that I can study and learn from /  3. the internet – so I can see so much great artwork, and network with contemporary artists too! /  4. amazing family and friends who help me and cheer me on in my creative adventures, including help with my website / 5. terrific art students to share this journey with /  6. Last but not least, a loving Creator who has made a marvelous world that I am continually in awe of. I could never paint more than just a tiny fraction of it in my lifetime. /  So much to be thankful for! What does your thankful list look like?  

Childlike Creativity

When it comes to art, I can see some real benefits to being childlike. Here’s my list: 1. A sense of wonder. This comes naturally to most artistic people. The wonder of colour, of nature, of the world about and within. Einstein said it was key to who he was. /  2. An avid curiosity. “What happens if..” The ways of completing that are endless in art. /  3. A willingness to learn new things. With art, there is always something new to try: new colours, new shapes, new subjects, new types of lines, new combinations of these – it’s truly endless. /  4. That sense of joy that creating brings. Sometimes I can’t stop smiling when the art is going well. It even makes me give a little dance or laugh out loud at times – too much information? /  Maybe this is why children do art so naturally and easily. Have I missed anything on the list? What do you think – are there positives about being childlike as an artist?